Reiki healing

My mum was a Reiki Master, I grew up in an environment of energy healing and allowing my intuition to flow freely. When I was two years old, my mum was told I would become a Reiki Master - 25 years later I did, I completed my reiki training and now I offer one-to-one reiki treatments at your London home. I also offer group reiki treatments.

When asked, ‘What is reiki?’ I would say, ‘Reiki is just love, reiki is healing through love, and we all have the power to give reiki.’

FREE angel and tarot card reading included at your first reiki session!

I bring incense, calming music, sound bowls, essential oils, breathwork and a gentle forehead massage - if you would like to include any / all of these at your session!

£60 for 60 minutes, an extra fee for travel costs added.

To book and ask any questions…